We notify our members of updates through a regular e-newsletter. We also plan to publish regular updates on this website.
25 April 2023
The Joint Standing Committee on the National Capital and External Territories has commenced an inquiry into ways to foster and promote the significance of Australia’s National Capital. Closing date for submissions to the committee is 5 May. Click 'Read More': to see the YRA's submission to the committee; to read more about this committee and this inquiry; and to find out how to lodge your own submission.
24 April 2023
This seminar will provide information on options for Canberra’s public transport system. The aim of the meeting is to provide up to date information on recently developed approaches to delivering efficient, cost-effective public transport solutions that could be used in Canberra.
04 April 2023
Kent Street Bridge opened to traffic at 11.00am on Tuesday 4 April
22 March 2023
In order to allow the proposed development of the CSIRO/Forestry School site on Banks St, the owner of the CSIRO site wants the existing mobile telephone tower relocated. The proposed site is the top of Bentham St, at the highest point in Yarralumla which is 11m higher than the existing site. The new tower will also be 5m taller than the existing tower. Submissions on this proposal close on Tuesday 28th March. An overview of the proposal, a copy of the YRA submission and details of where to send your comments are in the attached story.
28 February 2023
Friday 3 March is the closing date for public submissions on the proposed new planning system. The attached news article contains information to help you to prepare your feedback. There are a summary of issues raised and discussion outcomes from the public meeting about the new Planning Bill; a feedback template which lists some key questions for you to consider; and links to the presentations and speakers notes from the public meeting.
23 February 2023
The information session was well attended by Yarralumla and Deakin Residents. See the full story for more detail on the meeting and to access a copy of the main presentation and the speakers notes. There is also information to assist with submission preparation for those who choose to lodge a submission.
06 February 2023
Oakstand was required to prepare a response to comments made by the public (including YRA) in relation to Oakstand's application under the EPBC Act to redevelop the CSIRO site. The attached copy of their response is published for information only.
25 January 2023
You can reuse your bows for years to come, but if you no longer need your bow, please don’t put it in the rubbish. YRA will take it and reuse it.
14 December 2022
The YRA and our residents have contributed to many community activities during the year. These include our red bow fairy and her team, our hard working volunteer tree group keeping Yarralumla tidy, our Yarralumla does Floriade team, those who helped restore our heritage street signs, and our members who earned funds for the YRA volunteering on the drinks stalls of the marathon and fun run.
28 November 2022
The community was invited to have its say on the draft of The Planning Bill 2022. YRA lodged a submission to share its views on the draft bill.